The Course

Hey, are you ready to dive into the captivating world of analog photography? This course is your perfect starting point to understand the ins and outs of film cameras. We'll begin with the very basics, exploring the different types of film cameras – from the classic 35mm to medium format. You'll learn how to load film, master manual settings like aperture and shutter speed, and get an insight into the art of composing a shot. Our hands-on approach means you'll have plenty of opportunities to practice, ensuring you get the hang of things in no time.

But we're not stopping at just taking pictures! You'll also discover the magic of the darkroom, where your shots come to life. We'll walk you through the development process, teaching you how to turn your negatives into beautiful prints. By the end of this course, not only will you be more confident behind the lens, but you'll also appreciate the patience and skill that go into film photography. Whether you're looking to explore a new hobby, enjoy a digital detox, or even start a vintage-inspired photography project, the skills you gain here will be invaluable. Let's bring those timeless images in your head to reality, frame by frame.

What you will learn

When crafting this course, my aim was to demystify the often-overwhelming world of vintage photography and make it accessible for anyone new to the game. I've meticulously organized each module to build upon the previous, ensuring you gain confidence and knowledge in a logical sequence. You'll find the lessons rich with practical tips, hands-on activities, and personal insights that I've gathered from years of experience. What's really great is how this course is not just about taking pictures but also about understanding the craft's history and appreciating the unique quality of analog imagery. I'm here to guide you every step of the way, and by the end, you'll not only know your way around a film camera, but you'll also have a newfound appreciation for the art that I promise you will be utterly rewarding.


Available in days
days after you enroll

This course is closed for enrollment.

Your instructor

Jeffrey Lim Chin Lam brings a wealth of experience to the realm of analog photography, with a career that has been richly intertwined with the delicate dance of aperture, shutter speed, and film grain. His journey began over a decade ago when he first felt the weight of a vintage film camera in his hands and was captivated by the magic that unravelled in the darkroom. Since then, Jeff has not only mastered the technical nuances of various film formats and camera types but has also developed a refined eye for composition and storytelling that is integral to the art of film photography.

As an educator, Jeff translates his passion for film cameras into a comprehensive and inviting curriculum, designed to ignite a similar fervor in his students. He is renowned for his ability to demystify the complexities of film photography, making it accessible to enthusiasts of all levels. His course, "Beginners Guide to Film Cameras," reflects his commitment to preserving the traditional art form and fostering a new generation of photographers who appreciate the timeless charm of film. Jeff's dedication to the craft is evident in his teaching style—he not only imparts technical knowledge but also encourages his students to develop their own creative voices through the subtle yet profound medium of film.


From Loading Film to Framing Your Shot - A Complete Overview


Ease Into Analog Photography - Understanding Your Camera Inside Out


Practical Techniques for Capturing the Analog Essence